The Department of Cost and Management Accounting (CMA), Adayalampattu, E&S Campus, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute organized Interdisciplinary Lecture on “Energy Harvesting” on 09.01.2023 at 10.30 am in Conference Hall. Welcome address was given by *Dr.A.Anuradha, HOD – CMA. The Guest speaker *Dr.S.Deborah, Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute explained about Energy Harvesting. They insisted more about solar, wind and radio frequency. Compering part was done by Ms.J.Sowjenya, II B.Com (CMA) and vote of thanks done by Ms.R.Sneha, III B.Com (CMA) corporated with all the faculties and office assistant.
On behalf of Cost and Management Accounting (CMA), Adayalampattu, E&S Campus, Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute, we extent our heartfelt thanks to our Honorable President Er. A.C.S Arunkumar and other executives for their continuous support and motivation.