Greetings from Dr. MGR Alumni Association
Setting out to congratulate our Founder Chancellor on his birthday, we intend to put together a Conclave covering different aspects of Human qualities, Sustainability, Computing Technologies, Architectural Practices, Health Digitalization, and so forth under Alumni Association.
A massive World Book of Records attempt to organize MGR Alumni Conclave 2021 (25 Departments – 25 Days – 25 Alumni Conclaves – 25k Participants) from September 25 th to October 19 th 2021.
This mission is to interface our current students with our Alumni speakers across all the domains which would light the personalities of our prospective students and motivate them for a better future.
Inaugural : 24 th sep 2021
Valedictory : 20 th Oct 2021
The events will be conducted through MGR MAA Zoom and will be channelized through MAA YouTube Channel.
MGR Alumni Conclave 2021 Day Wise Schedule is attached for reference.
We cordially invite all the Alumni and current students to participate in all the 25 days Conclave and get advantage.
For any queries, contact
Mrs. T. Kirubadevi, Deputy Dean Alumni Association.
Phone No: +91 9789888694, E-mail @