Today the chemistry students visited the lab at 9.30am. They performed antioxidant test. They took all the samples which they weighed previous day. In that crude they added acetone of 100 micro litre and sonicated for dispersing crude evenly in the solvent for 10 mins . After that they added DMSO of 50 +crude solution of 50+dpph of 100 microlitres in 96-well plate. They made 2 fold dilution .
For reference for positive antioxidant they used quercetin +DMSO..For negative they added dpph +DMSO.After that they placed it in a microplate and the reader noted the absorbance..Colour changes yellow indicates presence of antioxidants and purple shows absence of antioxidants. After that they Saved the data in pendrive and excel sheet. Then they returned to hostel at 5:30 PM