The Department of Computer Science and Engineering organized a Technical Talk on Blockchain Application for IV Year CSE Students on 21/02/2022 from 2:00-3:00PM.
Mr. Ashish Ranjan IV Yr CSE-A, hosted the event and Dr. G. Victo Sudha George deputy HOD of dept of CSE addressed the gathering.Ms. Yashashwini IV yr CSE -B, Introduced the Speaker. , Dr. Vivek Dubey , CEO and founder, curious Infotech solution . The Speaker insisted upon the significance of block chain in his lecture. The lecture enriched the students on various real time scenariosof Block chain technology. The session was very informative and interactive.
Mr. Sumanth from IV Yr. CSE-A conveyed the vote of thanks .The event was organized by Ms. M.Revathi, Assistant Professor, CSE.
We thank our honorable President Er.A.C.S.Arun Kumar and all executives for the continuous encouragement provided for the success of the event.