The faculty of Physical Education and Sports organized a 5 days Deeksharambh I YEAR BPES INDUCTION PROGRAMME on 9th November 2021 by 10.00 am.
Dr. K. Senthilkumar, Faculty Dean, Phase- II welcomed the guest of the day, Dr. R. Perumal, Retired Physical Education Teacher of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan for sparing his very valuable time to spread the knowledge about the Science of Physical Education. He welcomed the members of faculty from various Departments, and the Executives of the University. He recorded the grace and sincerity of our Honourable Founder Chancellor, Dr. A. C. Shanmugam, Honourable President. Er. A.C.S. Arunkumar, Revered Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Geethalaksmi, Provost Dr. G. Gopalakrishnan, Rector Dr. Viswanathan, and Respected Registrar Dr. C. B. Palanivelu for their constant support and encouragement. He welcomed all the Senior Additional Registrar, Joint Registrars, Deans, HoDs, and the invitees who were watching the programme.
Dr. P. Kalidoss, Senior Additional Registrar, spoke at length about the greatness of the University and appreciated the students for having chosen our University. He encouraged them to follow ethics through an anecdote.
Dr. T. Ekambaram, Assistant Professor of our Faculty elaborated the qualifications, achievements, the awards and honors of the guest Dr. R. Perumal. They were remarkable and praise worthy.
Dr. R. Perumal gave a Lecture on “SCIENCE OF PHYSICALEDUCATION” in appropriate way. He described the Sciences of Anatomy and Physiology for proper understanding of the structure and functions of human body for the purpose of training and coaching. He brought in the connections of biology and physics in performances of Sports. How much intricately the Newton’s Laws of motion, projectiles equilibrium and aerodynamics are connected to competitive sports was excellently explained. It was very useful talk.
Mr. P. Arulkumaran, Assistant Professor of the Faculty proposed the vote of thanks. He expressed the sincere gratitude of the Department to our Honourable Founder Chancellor, Dr. A. C. Shanmugam, Honourable President. Er. A.C.S. Arunkumar, Revered Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Geethalaksmi, Provost Dr. G. Gopalakrishnan, Rector Dr. Viswanathan, and Respected Registrar Dr. C. B. Palanivelu for their constant support and encouragement. He thanked all the Senior Additional Registrar, Joint Registrars, Deans, HoDs, and the invitees who were watching the programme.
The programme was well moderated by Dr. T. Ganeshkumar Assistant Professor of the Faculty in an expert manner. The program is available on YouTube in the following link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0h-fZoZvB4