The Department of Financial Planning Organizes a 3-day Online FDP on Steps in Quality Research Paper Writing. Today the first session was taken by Dr. T Rubini, Associate Professor & Head, Department of PG & Research, Department of Commerce, DRBCCC Hindu College, Chennai. The session’s title is “Mastering the Art of Research Paper Writing Strategies for Structure, Clarity, and Successful Publication”. Dr. Rubini provided a comprehensive session. Some of the key highlights were: Producing a quality research paper starts with choosing the right topic, IMRD – Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion to develop the curiosity of the reader, to be precise and clear on the content of the paper, to ensure readability and smooth transition between each section, and to maintain consistency throughout the paper.
Session 2 was conducted by an expert member, Dr. Violet Glady, Assistant Professor, Stella Maris College, Chennai. The following were the key points discussed: Selection of a topic to be relevant to the discipline, A quality paper should have a solid foundation in the background study, Use of credible resources, Central argument of the research to be a specific, logical, and sequential flow of arguments, identification of gaps – analysis, research, content, citation formats.
Session 3 was taken by Dr. Poonam Mirwani, Head – Management Studies, IQAC Director, Vidyalankar School of Information Technology, Mumbai on “Your Path to Publication: Quality Research Writing Skills”. The Key points discussed were focused on Social Science Research. To have a compelling research idea is the beginning of the research, the importance of maintenance of research and idea database to note any research ideas, identification of research gaps, getting familiar with the research direction through extensive literature review, the use of referencing tools to organize collected research work, setting of realistic goals to complete research on time.
We thank Dr. J Sridevi – Head FP for the guidance. We thank all the participants for being interactive. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our honorable President Er. ACS Arun Kumar sir for providing the wonderful platform and opportunities for such events.