We are delighted to share the report of Day 9 Deeksharambh- Student Induction Programme’23 organized by Faculty of Education, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute on 26.10.2023 for B.Ed. I year students. The session was hosted by Dr.P.B.Pankaja, Professor, Faculty of Law, Phase II, Dr.M.G.R.Educational and Research Institute on the topic ‘Women Safety: A step towards safer future ‘. She motivated the students as prospective mentors, fetch justice to child victims and the expansion of the scope for safety of the students. She showed few pictures on outrageous crimes, domestic violence and specified some legal initiatives, special laws for the safety of women and children. She gave few examples on how to prevent, prohibit and redressed the crimes through various acts and also she provided some helpline numbers to the students. She explained about online offences, cyber crimes, student bullying, etc., which were very useful for the future teachers, she insisted the safety of children and gave some solution to handle a tough situation. The session was very interactive one which helped the students to involve more into the topic. We express our deep gratitude to our Honorable President, Er.A.C.S.Arunkumar for his encouragement. We thank all the executives for their continuous support.