We are delighted to share the report of Day 4 Deeksharambh- Student Induction Programme’23 organized by Faculty of Education, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute on 16.10.2023 for B.Ed. I year students. The Session was hosted by Dr. T.Bharathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Phase II, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute on the topic ‘YOGA AND WELL BEING ’. He emphasized the importance of Yoga, which is connected with Body, Mind and Soul and it was started at Himalayas by the Guru named Patanjali. He focused on the branches of eight limbs of Yoga (YAMA, NIYAMA, ASANA, PRANAYAMA, PRATHYAHARA, DHARANA, DYANA and SAMADHI) and it’s benefits. The topic discussed will be of great benefit to the B.Ed. I year Students to concentrate more on their career and well being. We express our deep gratitude to our Honorable President, Er.A.C.S.Arunkumar for his encouragement. We thank all the executives for their continuous support.