The Faculty of Humanities and Science, Department of English, is delighted to present the report of the Guest Lecture on Harnessing the power of Storytelling for Quality Education and Sustainable Growth held on February 12th, 2025 at Anna Block, Seminar Hall.
The event began with a welcome address by Dr. A. Anitha, Head of the Department, who set the tone for the lecture, highlighting the importance of storytelling.Ms.J.Jemima Rachel, Research Scholar, introduced the speaker.
The speaker, Dr. S. Balasubramaniam, Associate Professor, Department of English, DRBCCC Hindu College, Pattabiram. shared his expertise on how storytelling enhances learning through oral forms, especially in the acquisition of language via the natural order hypothesis and LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing). He explored how literary forms like songs, fables, and parables contribute to cognitive development and communication skills.The lecture also connected storytelling with sustainable development, illustrating how narratives can inspire action on global challenges like environmental conservation and social justice.
The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr B. Veeraganesh, Research Scholar,who expressed gratitude to the speaker, attendees, and organizers for their contributions.
The Department of English is much obliged to Honourable President Er. A.C.S. Arunkumar, Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Geethalakshmi, and Dr. C.B. Palanivelu, Registrar for their constant support and relentless motivation. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the Executives for their cooperation to conduct the event smoothly.