Online seminar organized by the Department of Mathematics titled “Problem Solving in Linear Algebra ” held on 03/5/2024. The Event was started at 2 pm and welcome address was given by Mrs.Y.Sabithabanu, Assistant Professor. The Introduction of the Guest Speaker Dr.A.Praveen, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, St.Joseph College, Thiruchirapalli was given by Mr.S.K. Rooban, Research Scholar, Dept. of Mathematics. The session was very informative and give insights to the participants to understand, how the Matrices, Determinants, System of linear equations, Eigen values, Eigen vector had been applied in Real life and also discussed the problems in the above topics. At the end of the talk, the questions raised by the Participants were answered by the speaker. Vote of thanks was given by the event coordinator, Mrs.M.sridevi, Asso.Professor, Dept. of Mathematics. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our Honorable President Sir, for his constant support and encouragement. We thank Ms.S.Priyadarshini, Research Scholar, Dept.of Mathematics for compering the program. Thanks to the Head of the department Dr.T.Johnson, Department Event Manager Mrs.Y.Sabithabanu, Assistant Professor and all other faculty members of the Department. Sincere gratitude to all the participants from various institutions to make this event a memorable one.