We are delighted to share the report of Guest Lecture on ‘Unleashing Potential Through Values’ which was organized by the Faculty of Education, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute on 23.11.23 for B.Ed. I year students. The session was hosted by Dr.K.Devisri, Assistant Professor, Former Deputy Controller of Examinations, Department of Curriculum Planning and Development, Tamilnadu Teachers Education University, Chennai. The session started with an overview of values and unlocking one’s potential. She conducted an activity to the students using balloons, it helps them to set and protect their goals. The activity aims to encourage problem-solving and proactive thinking. She explained the concept of limited mind set and growth mindset. She insisted ultimate five steps for career boost. The topic discussed will be a great benefit to the B.Ed. I year students. We express our deep gratitude to our Honorable President, Er.A.C.S.Arunkumar for his guidance. We thank all the executives for their constant support.