Thai Moogambigai Dental College and Hospital, in association with Academic Staff College, conducted the second Faculty Development Program- “Research to Publication”on 24th November 2023. The program was inaugurated by our honorable Vice Chancellor, Dr. S. Geetha Lakshmi mam. Dr. Ramachandra Prabhakar, Principal i/c, Dr. Karthikeyam, Additional Principal, Dr. Uma Sudhakar,Vice Principal, Dr. A. Ponsekar Abraham, Dean, Academic Staff College, HODs and teaching staff of Thaimoogambigai Dental College and Hospital graced the occasion. Dr. A. Ponsekar Abraham welcomed the audience. Vice Chancellor, Dr. S. Geetha Lakshmi mam addressed the gathering. Dr. Snophia Rani, FDP convenor, introduced the guest speakers Dr. V. Anand kumar, Professor, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Sri Ramachandra Dental College and Dr. Fathima Banu R., Reader, Dept. of Prosthodontics, Sri Ramachandra Dental College. The speakers Dr. V. Anand Kumar gave lecture on Research to publication and Dr. Fathima Banu conducted the workshop on search engine and reference manager for systematic review. The speakers were felicitated by vice chancellor. Dr. Vijayalakshmi, Dept of Prosthodontics, compered the program.