We are delighted to share the report of Day 5 Deeksharambh- Student Induction Programme’23 organized by Faculty of Education, Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute on 17.10.2023 for B.Ed. I year students. The session was hosted by Dr. P. Senthamizh Pavai, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Phase II, Dr.M.G.R.Educational and Research Institute on the topic ‘Magic of Memory (MOM)’. She started the session with a warm up of brainstorming games to test the memory of the students. She showed a motivational video on ‘ The transformation of how thoughts becomes things.’ She highlighted the significance of intelligence, types of intelligence test, uses of intelligence test, limitations and memorizing techniques which was very useful to the students. The session was interactive one which helped the future teachers to involve more into the topic. Finally she made them to feel the uniqueness and the magic of memory to make continuous practices to achieve their goal successfully. The topic discussed will be of great benefit to the B.Ed. I year students. The session was ended with vote of thanks. We express our deep gratitude to our Honorable President, Er.A.C.S.Arunkumar for his encouragement. We thank all the executives for their continuous support.