Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute, Department of Financial Planning organized National Level seminar On HIGHLIGHTS OF UNION BUDGET 2023 ON 10/1/2023 in Auditorium RA Block for university students . Inauguration began with the welcome address by the Head of the Department, Dr.J.Sridevi. Dr. S. Geethalakshmi, Vice Chancellor delivered the Inaugural Address . and felicitated the chief guest with a memento. Rector Dr.D.Vishwanathan delivered the Special address followed by him Dr.Malini Pande AR-P&D delivered the keynote Address. A brief introduction about chief guest was delivered by Ms.Ishwarya AP-FP and Session was handed over to the guest. Dr.CA Abhishek Murali explained the positive and negatives of union budget -2023. He explained the best part presented in budget. The guest speaker used Presentation for students for easy understanding .The session was interactive, around 200 students participated and asked their queries regarding the budget. The event was concluded with vote of thanks by Ms.Anurekha,Ap- Fp. We thank our Honorable President for the support and motivation. And also thank Vice-chancellor madam for the encouragement. We extend our gratitude to Rector Dr.Viswanathan, Registrar Dr.C..B.Palanivelu, Additional Registrar P& D Dr.Malini Pande and all Executives for the support and guidance. Thanks to all Heads of Department of FoCA, English, Defence and Vis Comm. who encouraged the students to participate in the seminar.
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