The Department of Civil Engineering in association with Industry Institute Planning Cell organized a Management Development Program for Casagrand staff members from 01.02.2023 to 02.02.2023. The Day 1 started off with a welcome address by Dr.T.Kavitha, Head of Civil Engineering Department. Dr.RA.B.Depaa, Deputy Head/Civil Engineering Department briefed about the department. Dr.G.Gopalakrishnan, Provost, Dr.P.Kalidoss, Senior Additional Registrar, Dr.V.Cyril Raj, Additional Registrar Admin and Dr.Kalpalatha Reddy, Additional Dean E&T addressed the gathering. Mrs.Archana, HR Casagrand emphasized the need of management training programs to the participants from Casagrand. Dr.C.Balakrishnan, Dean-Placement & IIPC thanked the department and the Casagrand for having accepted the invitation from IIPC. Dr.M.Narmatha, Deputy Dean Green and Smart Campus (Phase-I) has introduced the first session speaker to the audience. First session speaker Dr.S.Arivalagan, Joint Registrar-Infrastructure delivered about “Industrial safety and hazardous operations”. Dr.V.Priyadarshini, Assistant Professor has introduced the second session speaker to the audience. Second session speaker Dr.P.Gomathi Nagajothi, Deputy Dean Green and Smart Campus (Phase-II) delivered about “Waste Management” concepts and also explained about sewage treatment process during the STP visit which held after lunch break. Dr.RM.Narayanan, Dean-Green and Smart Campus have interacted with participants from casagrand about the importance of water treatment in the final session along with activity based training. The overall compering done by Dr.A.Arivumangai, Deputy Dean, Library (Phase-II). We thank our Honorable President for his constant support and encouragement.
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