Faculty of Law Department organised “Career Development Series” on 8.11.22 (Session -I & Session-II), 9.11.2022 (Session-III), 10.11.2022(Session -IV)and 16.11.22(Session-V) respectively.

Fifth and Final Session has been conducted today – 16th November 2022 to guide students on the “Introduction to the world of corporate theatre to master communication skills”.

Topic was presented by renowned Chief guest Mr.Antony Stanley Xavier.

He provided thorough knowledge of communication development and personality development . The session was informative and fascinating, he emphasised on the skills of how to deliver a content in both verbal and non verbal communications , he is an all rounder with a multifaceted personality who gave us a thought provoking lecture on presence of mind.

Special Appreciation to the Honourable Chief Guest for ignited young vibrant students towards positive approach and confident learning experience.

Heartful Thanks to Honourable President sir, Respected Executive Director Dr.G.C.Kodhanam sir,
Director Dr.N.Murugavel sir, Sincere thanks to Dean Dr.K.Murugadoss Sir, Dr.Prabhu JR Phase-II , Dr.Senthil Kumar Dean Phase-II (Administration), Dr.Arunachalam Dean Phase-II Campus (Academic) for their complete support and guidance.