Faculty of Education feels delighted to share the report of the Fifth Day Deeksharambh Student Induction Programme held on 03-11-2022 at 11:00 A.M with B.Ed first year students. The session was chaired by Mr.P.K.Srinivasan, Asst. Prof, Dept of Computer Science , Phase ll Campus, Adayalampattu on ‘Cryptography and Network Security’. He highlighted the cryptography system, formation of plain text and about the security attack and he also mentioned that before communication sender and receiver should discuss about the key which will prevent the message from the reach of hacker .The Faculty of Education is pleased to express it’s gratitude to our Honourable President for the opportunity to organize the event that enkindle the minds of the learning fraternity. It also extends it’s gratefulness to all the executives for there constant encouragement.