he valedictory function was conducted for pre placement training at 3.30PM today 26.08.2022 at VOC 308. The HOD/Mechanical Dr.K.Rajan welcomed the Chief guest Dr.M.Ganesan, Jt-Registrar, Dr.N.Ethiraj, Dean E &T and the trainer Mr. Rahman GNI IT solutions. Dr. M. Ganesan sir addressed the students about the importance of this training for placements and Dr. N.Ethiraj addressed the quality and character needed for the students to sustain in the company. Three students were given the positive feedback about this training programme and trainer. Now I thank our Honourable and Respected President sir for given the financial support to conduct this training programme. Finally the vote of thanks was given by Mr.V.Vijayaragunathan, Department placement corditor. In the Pre-placement Training Program the following topics were covered for the requirement for the placement in Tier 1.
Session 1- Mr. D. Anthony Joseph- C program