A pleasent Greetings from the Faculty of Education.
The faculty is pleased to share the report of sixth day Deeksharambh- Student Induction Program on the topic “Life Long Learning: A Paradigm Shift” by a notable resource person, Ms. Titty Elizabeth Phillips, Asst. Prof. & Head / Dean Dept. of History, Women’s Christian College, Chennai on 18:11:2021 at 10.30am. Though the topic was subject oriented, Ms. Titty handled the session with her professionalism which captured the eyes and minds of the students with a start, “Learning is a form of self-education”.
The ideology of learning was beautifully explained where learning has evolved from fetching a job to “You learn, You do and You unlearn” where new knowledge becomes a necessity, reading becomes a routine and skill development becomes a support which leads to ultimate success in life that helps to break every obstacles. The resource person also discussed about the characteristics of lifelong learners as,
- Insatiable knowledge seekers
- Social learners
- Does not just absorb and memorize
- Acts as teacher to themselves
The learning pyramid gave detailed facts about the minds of life long learners where they tend to learn in depth the concepts taught or learnt.
An insight on the expectations in IT field was also addressed which made all to understand the essentiality of lifelong learning.
The following is the best words of encouragement for all the budding teachers, “Teachers dares to teach and never cease to learn”.
Few queries were addressed by the resource person with the answers filled with guidance and compassion at the end of the session.
On the whole, the session certainly nurtured and curated our minds with the spirit of learning and encouragement to become a successful teacher.
The faculty feels happy to share its gratitude to the honourable President for encouraging and motivating and it also extends its thanks to all the executives for their continued support in all our endeavour.