Faculty of Education is pleased to share the report of fifth day of Deeksharambh- Student Induction Program on “Art of Recovering from failure” by an eminent guest speaker, Mr. Leonard Solomon Asst. Prof & Head – BBA Mar Gregorios College of Arts & Science, Chennai on 17.11.2021at 10.30am.The resource person started with an amazing story with a Moral, “Expections and God’s plan is different” which captured the attention of all the students which continued throughout the session with similar stories to make us understand even better and continued to make us understand “ What Failure truly means”. One needs to overcome failure by transforming Fear into Action since “Fear is the Friend of Failure”.

“Failure is the stepping stone to success”.
Though it does not give a good feel, it is a way to understand that it is not one’s cup of tea. One needs to come out from the safe zone that one creates in their lives which again leads to failure; hence it is necessary to try to know the ability, strive and strive harder even after achieving the Goal and also to be optimistic. These words radiated positivity and clarity of oneself.
The Resource person ended the session by inculcating a Mantra “I CAN, I WILL and IAM NOT USELESS, IAM UNIQUE, DIFFERENT AND SPECIAL.
One the whole , the entire session was filled with Interaction, Motivation and positivity. We truly are in need of constant motivation and Mr. Leonard’s session was a timely help.
It’s indeed with immense privilege we extend our gratitude to our honourable President for his continuous support and motivation throughout our endeavour. We are also grateful to all the executives who encourage and motivate us.