The Department of Computer Science and Engineering had the inaugural function for the First batch of BSc. Criminology and Forensics Science I Year students on 1.11.2021 from 10.00 AM to 12.30 PM Dr.S.Geetha HoD-CSE and Mr. P DineshKumar, Add. HoD CSE proposed the welcome address and briefed about the department activities and the rules and regulations to the students. Following that Dr.Thilagarajan and Dr.Latha of CoEDF elaborated the significance of the course and about the Curriculum and the syllabus . Chief Guest Dr. C.L. Ramakrishnan IPS ( Retd.), Former DGP, given inaugural address and shared his experiences in the field of Criminology and Forensics Science. He briefed about the need and the role of Criminology and Forensics Science professionals. The inaugural function ended with the vote of thanks by the Class Advisor Mr.M.Arun . The Department thank our honorable President Er.A.C.S. Arun Kumar and the executives for their continuous support and motivation.