Department of Cost and Management Accounting (CMA), Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute organized a Technology Talk on “URGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”. The session started with an welcome address given by Dr. A. Anuradha, Head of the department and Guest Speaker Ms. J. Vijayalakshmi , Asst Prof demonstrated about importance of Artificial intelligence in various sectors, implementation of narrow AI , IBM’s Watson supercomputer and World of AI to the participants. The session was very interesting and the speaker shared some vedios related to AI in future period and all the participants got benefited. Vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs.K.R. Abarna. Around 50 participants were participated and the speaker delivered current Applications of AI in hospital and agriculture. Our heartfelt gratitude to our Honourable President for granting permission to organise the Technology Talk event. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the executives for continuous support rendered throughout our endeavour. We thank our faculty members for their coordination to complete the event successfully, Ms.B. Gayathri for technical support and compering part was done by Ms.A. Thanushree, Asst Prof.