Dear Participants,
Greetings from FACULTY OF NURSING Dr.M.G.R.Educational and Research Institute, Maduravoyal, Chennai-600095, Tamil Nadu
We are happy to invite all for the event on, MGR ALUMNI CONCLAVE 2021 (25Days-25Depts-25 Conclaves-25k Participants) in attempting the World Book of Records
DAY 03 – 27th Sep 2021 11am
Conclave Topic: “High Tech Contrivances in Nursing”
MAA you tube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWYReXxMMFQdMa5i_m0yaeA
Zoom Link https://zoom.us/j/93176580387?pwd=RE4rRUJJa0JSdkw0V20xVHcxb2t3dz09
Any queries contact
Prof.Mrs.Darcus DevaSinthiya
Alumni coordinator
Thanks and Regards
Prof.Dr.Hema VH
Head of the Department